Advocacy Fellowship and Leadership Program 

What is the advocacy Fellowship and leadership Program? 

The CEO's Organizing team provides various avenues for enhancing the advocacy and leadership capacities of individuals with diverse backgrounds, interests, and professional aspirations who have been involved with the justice system. Through the Advocacy Fellowship and Leadership Training program, CEO has engaged more than 200 justice-involved individuals in New York, Michigan, Colorado, and California, aiming to achieve three primary objectives: nurturing leaders, fostering community, and advocating for changes in laws, regulations, and discriminatory institutions that negatively impact justice-involved individuals. 

Advocacy fellowShip 

The Advocacy Fellowship is a six-month work-based learning program. Participants in the fellowship will gain the training and hands-on experience required to start a career in the social sector within their home state. Additionally, they will be awarded a Certificate in Social Justice and Community Organizing from the University of Michigan upon completion of the program. Throughout the six-month training period, participants will receive: 

Advocacy Leadership Committee 

The Advocacy Leadership Committee (ALC) is a 6-week paid training program offered as a supplement to CEO’s regular job development services in several states. During this training, participants will: 


Explore the NEST training calendar for an opportunity to participate in the Shape Your Future Training. During this program, attendees will delve into public policy, with the chance to actively contribute to the ongoing effort to safeguard benefits for individuals reintegrating into society nationwide. Upon completion of the training, you will be able to take immediate action on a real-life issue!