Advanced Training Opportunities

Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) is committed to helping every CEO participant gain the necessary skills and tools to return to the workforce successfully. In addition to providing immediate employment and individualized job-readiness services, CEO also supports participants interested in pursuing advanced training opportunities that best match their interests and career aspirations. Check out the menu of vetted pathways below for more details. *Participants are only eligible to enroll in one of the below pathways.

Why these pathways? CEO has chosen these pathways because they each meet the criteria of - high growth over the next five years, above average wage, relatively low conviction restrictions, and having a defined training pathway (less than one year in length) that leads to employment.

Can enroll in any training pathway? No, participants may need to meet certain criteria to be considered for a specific training pathway. For instance, certain convictions may prohibit you from enrolling in a certain training pathway or you may require specific work experience to be eligible. These pathways are listed under the "other pathway" button below. 

Can I apply for a different pathway not listed? Yes, you may apply but you must understand that your application will receive a higher level of scrutiny and must be based on unique circumstances. CEO will not provide financial support to a career that does not meet the above criteria. 

HOW TO GET STARTED? Explore the pathways, watch the intro video below, and complete the Advanced training scavenger hunt!

Are you interested in Pursuing an advanced pathway? 

Complete the steps below to get started! 

Step 1: 

WATCH: Advanced Pathway Intro Video 

Step 2: 

Complete: Advanced Pathway Scavenger Hunt 

Advanced  pathways 

Learn more about the Advanced Pathway Process here! 

Advanced Pathway Info graphic (1).pdf